The learning profile associated with autism

The learning profile associated with autism

Autistic children have an unusual profile of learning abilities that can often be recognised in very early childhood. Some pre-school autistic children have reading and numeracy abilities above the level of their peers. Such advanced literacy and numeracy abilities may have been self-taught through watching educational television programs, computer games and YouTube videos. There are autistic children who appear to easily ‘crack the code’ of reading, spelling, or numeracy; indeed, these subjects may become their special interest at school. In contrast, some autistic children have considerable delay in academic skills and an early assessment of learning abilities suggests the characteristics of dyslexia and dyscalculia. There seem to be more autistic children than one might expect at the extremes of cognitive ability.

Teachers soon recognize that the autistic child in their class has a distinctive learning profile, often being talented in understanding the logical world, noticing details and patterns and remembering facts, and the artistic world with a talent for drawing or music. However, the child can be easily distracted or distressed by sensory and social experiences, and when problem solving, appears to have a ‘one-track mind’ and a fear of failure.  As the child progresses through the school grades, teachers identify problems with organizational abilities, flexible thinking, and group projects. End of year school reports often describe a conspicuously uneven profile of academic achievement with areas of excellence and areas that require remedial assistance.

It is extremely important that teachers and parents know the learning profile of an autistic child to improve his or her academic achievement. This is especially important as children usually have two reasons to attend school – to learn and to socialize. If the autistic child is not successful socially at school, then academic success becomes more important as the primary motivation to attend school and for the development of self-esteem and self-identity. 

Verbalizing and visualizing

Valuable information on an autistic child’s learning profile can be obtained from formal testing using a standardized test of intelligence and tests of academic achievement. Standardized tests of intelligence have at least ten sub-tests that measure a range of intellectual abilities. Some sub-tests measure specific components of verbal reasoning, while others measure components of visual reasoning.

Some autistic children have relatively advanced verbal reasoning skills and may be colloquially described as ‘verbalisers.’ If such a child has difficulty acquiring a particular academic ability in the social and sensory interactive ‘theatre’ of the classroom, then his or her knowledge and understanding may be improved by solitary and quiet reading about the concept. If the autistic child has relatively advanced visual reasoning skills, a ‘visualizer’ then learning may be facilitated by observation of the teacher’s actions rather than listening to their instructions and learning from a computer screen. Learning from a computer screen significantly reduces any difficulties with social and conversational abilities. The ‘verbalisers’ may eventually be successful in careers where verbal abilities are an advantage, for example the legal professions or being an author, and ‘visualizers’ may be successful in careers such as engineering or the visual arts.


Psychologists divide attention into four components: the ability to sustain attention, to pay attention to relevant information, to shift attention when needed, and to encode attention – that is, to remember what was attended to. Autistic children appear to have problems with all four aspects of attention. The duration of attention to schoolwork can be an obvious problem but the degree of attention can vary according to the level of motivation. If the child is attending to an activity associated with his or her special interest, the level of attention can be excessive. The child appears to be oblivious of external cues that it is time to move on to another activity or to pay attention to the comments, requests and instructions of a teacher or parent. The amount of sustained attention can also depend on whether the child wants to give the attention to what an adult wants them to do. The autistic child may have his or her own agenda for what to attend to.

Even when the autistic child appears to be attentive to the task set by the teacher, he or she may not be attending to what is relevant in the material in front of them. Typical children can more easily identify and selectively attend to what is relevant to the context or problem. Autistic children are often distracted and confused by irrelevant detail, and they don’t automatically know what the teacher wants them to look at.  They may need specific instruction at to exactly what to look at on the page.

Some academic activities require the ability to shift attention during the activity and focus on new information. Unfortunately, autistic children can have difficulty ‘changing track’ while engaged in a ‘train of thought’. There can also be problems with memory processes such that the recently learned information is not stored or encoded as well as one would expect. Autistic children may not remember what to attend to when they encounter the same problem again. This characteristic can affect social situations. Autistic children process social information using intellect rather than intuition and can have problems remembering what the relevant social cues are and changing their conversation ‘track’ when interacting with more than one person.

The autistic child often has considerable problems switching thoughts to a new activity until there has been closure, i.e., the activity has been successfully completed. Other children appear to have the capacity to pause a thought or activity and to easily move to the next activity. In the classroom, autistic children can resist changing activities until they have completed the previous activity, knowing that their thinking cannot as easily cope with transitions without closure. A teacher or parent may need to provide multiple verbal indications when an activity is going to change, perhaps counting down and if possible, allowing the autistic child extra time to finish the task.

Executive functioning

Autistic children and adolescents often have problems with executive function. Perhaps the best way to understand the concept of executive function is to think of a chief executive of a large company, who can perceive the ‘big picture’, consider the potential outcomes of various decisions, is able to organize resources and knowledge, plan and prioritize within the required time frame, and modify decisions based on results. Such executive function skills may be significantly delayed in autistic children and adolescents.

In the early school years, the main signs of impaired executive function are difficulties with inhibiting a response (i.e., being impulsive), working memory and using new strategies. The autistic child can be notorious for being impulsive in schoolwork and in social situations, appearing to respond without thinking of the context, consequences, and previous experience. By the age of eight years, a typical child can ‘switch on’ and use his or her frontal lobe to inhibit a response and think before deciding what to do or say. The autistic child can become capable of thoughtful deliberation before responding, but under conditions of stress, or if feeling overwhelmed or confused, can be impulsive. It is important to encourage the child to relax and consider other options before responding and to recognize that being impulsive can be a sign of confusion and stress.

Working memory is the ability to maintain or hold information ‘online’ when solving a problem. The autistic child may have an exceptional long-term memory and is perhaps able to recite the credits or dialogue of his or her favourite film but has difficulty with the mental recall and manipulation of information relevant to an academic task. The child’s working memory capacity may be less than that of his or her peers. Other children have a ‘bucket’ capacity for remembering and using relevant information, but the autistic child has a working memory ‘cup’ which affects the amount of information he or she can retrieve from the memory ‘well’.

Another problem with working memory is a tendency to quickly forget a thought. One of the reasons autistic children are notorious for interrupting others was explained by an autistic child who said he had to say what was on his mind to his teacher because if he waited, he would forget what he was going to say.

Impaired executive function can include difficulties with flexible thinking.  Typical children can quickly react to feedback and are prepared to change strategies or direction with new information. Autistic children tend to continue using incorrect strategies, even when they know their strategy isn’t working, as they have difficulty conceptualizing different thoughts and reactions.

In the high school years, problems with executive function can become more apparent as the school curriculum changes to become more complex and self-directed, and teachers and parents have age-appropriate expectations based on the maturing cognitive abilities of age peers. In the primary school years, success in subjects such as History can be measured by the ability to recall facts such as dates. By the high school years, assessment in history has changed, and requires that the child shows ability in writing essays that have a clear organizational structure, and that he or she can recognize, compare, and evaluate different perspectives and interpretations. Autistic adolescents with impaired executive function have problems with the organizing and planning aspects of class work, assignments, essays, and homework.

There can also be problems with self-reflection and self-monitoring. By the high school years, typical children have developed the capacity to have a mental ‘conversation’ to solve a problem. The internal thinking process can include a dialogue, discussing the merits of various options and solutions. This process may not be as efficient in the thinking of an autistic adolescent as it is in typical peers. Many autistic adolescents ‘think in pictures’ and are less likely to use an inner voice or conversation to facilitate problem solving. The autistic adolescent may need the teacher or parent’s voice to guide his or her thoughts.

One strategy to reduce the problems associated with impaired executive functioning is to have someone act as an ‘executive secretary’. The child’s mother may have realized that she has already become an executive secretary, providing guidance with organizing and planning, especially with regards to completing homework assignments. The executive secretary (a parent or teacher) may also need to create a time schedule, proofread draft reports and essays, colour code subject books, encourage alternative strategies and create ‘to do’ checklists, with a clear schedule of activities and the duration of each activity.

Such close monitoring and guidance may initially appear to be excessive for an adolescent or young adult with recognized intellectual ability. A parent who provides the support as an executive secretary may be labelled as overprotective by school agencies and family members, but that parent has learned that without such support, the autistic child would not achieve the grades that reflect his or her actual abilities. We encourage a parent or teacher to take on this very important role of executive secretary. We hope that this will be a temporary appointment as the autistic adolescent and young adult eventually achieves greater independence with organizational skills.

Coping with mistakes

The learning profile of autistic children can include a tendency to focus on errors, a need to fix an irregularity and a desire to be a perfectionist. This can lead to a fear of making a mistake and the child’s refusal to commence an activity unless he or she can complete it perfectly. The avoidance of errors can mean that autistic children prefer accuracy rather than speed, which can affect performance in timed tests and lead to their thinking being described as pedantic. An autistic girl complained that her teacher frequently asked her to hurry up but said that if she did hurry up, she might make a mistake.

It is important to change the autistic child’s perception of errors and mistakes. Autistic children often value intellectual abilities in themselves and others, and young children can be encouraged to recognize that the development of cognitive ‘strength’ is like that of physical strength, in that the brain needs exercise on difficult or strenuous mental activity, that includes making mistakes, to improve intellectual ability. If all mental tasks were easy, we would not improve our intellect. Intellectual effort makes the brain smarter.

Adults will need to model how to respond to a mistake and have a constructive response to the child’s errors, with comments such as, ‘This is a difficult problem designed to make you think and learn, and together we can find a solution.’ It must also be remembered that while there can be a fear of making a mistake, there can be an enormous delight in getting something right, and success and perfection may be a more important motivator than pleasing an adult or impressing peers.

Cognitive talents

There are autistic children and adults who have cognitive abilities that are significantly above average and are sometimes described as gifted and talented. This can provide both advantages and disadvantages to the child. The advantages include a greater capacity to intellectually process and learn social cues and conventions. Advanced intellectual maturity may be admired by a teacher and winning academic competitions can lead to greater status for the child and school. Academic and artistic success can raise self-esteem and contribute to social inclusion; their social naivety and eccentricity can be accepted as part of the ‘absent minded professor’ or artistic genius image. However, there are disadvantages.

Autistic children are more socially and emotionally immature than their peers, which contributes towards their being socially isolated, ridiculed, and tormented. Having considerably advanced intellectual maturity in comparison to one’s peers could further increase social isolation and alienation. The child may have no peer group socially or intellectually in his or her classroom.  Having an impressive vocabulary and knowledge can lead adults to expect an equivalent maturity in social reasoning, emotion management and behaviour; they may be unjustly critical of the child who is unable to express these abilities as maturely as his or her age peers.

We have recently recognised that the learning profile associated with autism can also include alexithymia, which can affect the expression of academic talents. Alexithymia is a difficulty converting thoughts into words. The autistic child’s conceptualization or solution perhaps to a mathematics problem may be extraordinary. However, while the autistic child knows their solution is perfect, they may have genuine difficulty explaining how they achieved that solution.


Autistic children and adolescents have a different way of thinking and learning. This can lead to academic talents and difficulties. Teachers and parents need to be aware of the autistic students personal learning profile and to modify the classroom curriculum to accommodate their distinct learning profile. This can include identifying learning talents and to recognise that autistic people can produce a new perspective on the problems of tomorrow.

Nonspeaking autism and body language

Nonspeaking autism and body language

Autistic children and adults who do not develop speech can express their thoughts and feelings by body language. There can be conventional body language but also the development of unusual or autistic mannerisms whose communicative intent is interpreted by a parent or teacher. These ‘signature’ mannerisms can express emotions such as happiness by literally jumping with joy and a happy ‘dance’, anxiety by rocking and pacing and agitation by biting their hand or arm. The mannerisms have a message that can include:

I’m happy

I don’t know what to do

Leave me alone

Please help me

I feel anxious and stressed

We recommend that parents and teachers record on their mobile or cell phone the mannerisms that express different dimensions and levels of emotion and specific thoughts. These could be the body language that express different levels of happiness such as finger movements that resemble playing a piano at a low level of happiness to jumping up and down with intense excitement. It will be important to record the mannerisms that indicate increasing levels of agitation that precede a meltdown. The strategy is to create a ‘foreign phrase’ dictionary of mannerisms that ‘translates’ the action so that parents and teachers can respond appropriately.

Some autistic mannerisms have been conceptualised as examples of ‘stimming’ and that they must be inhibited. However, the mannerisms often have a constructive purpose to reduce stress and nervous energy. A speaking autistic person described how his mannerisms can “release the pressure that’s built up inside me, as though a weight has been lifted from my chest” Intervention can encourage a range of appropriate alternative stress reduction actions.

There are mannerisms that are mesmerising and created to reduce sensory sensitivity. Temple Grandin described how:

“Intensely preoccupied with the movement of the spinning coin or lid, I saw nothing or heard nothing. People around me were transparent and no sound intruded on my fixation. It was as if I was deaf. Even a sudden loud noise didn’t startle me from my world. But when I was in the world of people, I was extremely sensitive to noise” Grandin and Scariano 1986.

We recognise that there can be a mind-body division associated with autism and some mannerisms can be a way of achieving a mind-body connection. Some mannerisms serve the function of ‘starting the engine’ or ‘changing gear’, a behavioural prosthesis for a movement disorder. An autistic child may also engage in spinning and twirling as a form of choreography or ‘dance’ that is an enjoyment of freedom of movement and being able to control your body.

In summary, the mannerism have both a message and a purpose and it is important that we ‘read’ the autistic child or adults body language to enhance their ability to communicate their thoughts, feelings and experiences.


Grandin, T. and Scariano, M. (1986). Emergence: Labelled Autistic. Novato, California: Arena Press.

The movement profile associated with autism​

The movement profile associated with autism

As much as autistic children have a different way of learning, they can also have a different way of moving. When walking or running, the child’s coordination can be immature with a gait that lacks fluency and efficiency. On careful observation, there can be a lack of synchrony in the movement of the arms and legs, especially when the person is running. Parents often report that their autistic child needed considerable guidance in learning activities that required manual dexterity such as tying shoelaces, dressing, and using eating utensils. Teachers may notice problems with fine motor skills, such as the ability to write and use scissors. Activities that require coordination and balance can also be affected, such as learning to ride a bicycle, skate or use a scooter. The overall appearance can be of someone who is clumsy.

The movement difficulties associated with autism have been explored by recent research studies with one in three autistic children having significant movement difficulties (Licari et al 2020). A study of 9–12-year-old autistic children found that their performance on motor tasks was at a similar level to children half their age, with difficulty coordinating movements that involve both sides of the body or both arms and legs, as though each body segment acted independently (Staples and Reid 2010). Gait can be affected in terms of a stiffer gate, unusual fluidity of walking, trunk and postural abnormalities and marked loss of smoothness (Nobile et al 2011) There can be an association with bradykinetic motor behaviour (slowness of movement), rigid motor behaviour and hypokinetic behaviour (Mostert-Kerckhoffs et al 2020). A recent systematic review of research on the movement profile associated with autism confirmed an impairment in Fundamental Movement Skills, especially balance, object control and locomotor skills that emerge early in life and persist to the adult years (Gandotra et al 2020)

The movement and coordination problems can be obvious to the physical education teacher and other children during PE classes and sports, and in playground games that require ball skills. An autistic child can be immature in the development of the ability to catch, throw and kick a ball. When catching a ball with two hands, the arm movements are often poorly coordinated and affected by problems with timing, i.e., the hands close in the correct position, but a fraction of a second too late. The child has taken too long to think and plan what to do.

One of the consequences of not being successful or popular at ball games is the exclusion of the child from some of the social games in the playground. Such children may choose to actively avoid these activities, knowing they are not as able as their peers. However, when they bravely attempt to join in the activity, they can be deliberately excluded by other children due to being perceived as a liability, not an asset, to the team. Thus, autistic children are less able to improve ball skills by practising with their peers.

From an early age, parents need to provide tuition and practice in ball skills, not in order that their child becomes an exceptional sportsperson, but to ensure that he or she has the basic competence to be included in the popular ball games of peers. However, it is interesting that some autistic children have a greater coordination and fluency of movement when swimming, develop remarkable agility when using the trampoline, acquire coordination through practice in solitary sports that can become a special interest, such as golf, and enjoy recreational activities such as horse riding, rowing and cycling. This can be to a level in advance of peers.

The mental planning and coordination of movement

A person is described as having apraxia when there are problems with the conceptualization and planning of movement, so that the action is less proficient and coordinated than one would expect. Autistic children have problems with the mental preparation and planning of movement with relatively intact motor pathways. Poorly planned movement and a slow mental preparation time may be a more precise description than simply being clumsy.

Ben describes the experience of having a delay or feeling of disengagement between thought and action:

I have always felt a disconnection between my body and my brain. Sometimes it’s as if I don’t have a body. My body has failed me. I fall down when I try to turn. I have problems seeing. I can’t focus. I can’t make my hands move the way I want them to. (La Salle 2003 p.47)

There may also be problems with proprioception, that is the integration of information about the position and movement of the body in space and the ability to maintain posture and balance. These are skills that are often used in the climbing and adventure games of children. There can be a tendency to fall off climbing apparatus and a risk of falling and injury when climbing a tree.

When examining general movement abilities of autistic children, there can be signs of ataxia; that is, less orderly muscular coordination and an abnormal pattern of movement. This can include movements being performed with abnormal force, rhythm and accuracy, and an unsteady gait. Observations of walking and running, climbing stairs, jumping, and touching a target (the finger to nose test) of autistic children indicate signs of ataxia.

One of the movement disturbances associated with autism is lax joints, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndromes. We do not know if this is a structural abnormality or due to low muscle tone, but the autobiography of David Miedzianik describes how:

At infant school I can seem to remember playing a lot of games and them learning us to write. They used to tell me off a lot for holding my pen wrong at infant and primary school.  I still don’t hold my pen very good to this day, so my handwriting has never been good. I think a lot of the reason why I hold my pen badly is that the joints of my fingertips are double jointed, and I can bend my fingers right back. (Miedzianik 1986, p.4)

Should problems occur from lax joints or immature or unusual grasp, then the child may be referred to an occupational therapist or physiotherapist for assessment and remedial activities. This should be a priority with a young child, since so much schoolwork requires the use of a pencil or pen.


Teachers and parents can become quite concerned about difficulties an autistic child may have with handwriting. The individual letters can be poorly formed and larger than would be expected for a child of that age. The technical term is macrographia. The child can take too long to complete each letter, causing delay in completing written tasks. While the rest of the class have written several sentences, the autistic child is still deliberating over the first sentence, trying to write legibly, and becoming increasingly frustrated or embarrassed about his or her inability to write neatly and consistently.

Sometimes the word, written in pencil, has been frequently rubbed out as the child considers the letters are not perfect, an exact copy of the printed text in the book. An activity in class may be refused because of an aversion to the requirement to write, not necessarily an aversion to the topic. Teachers may become frustrated by the illegibility of the handwriting but need to remember that this is an expression of a movement disorder, not necessarily a lack of commitment to the work.

Some autistic children can become fascinated by handwriting and develop a special interest in calligraphy. The problem here is that the child takes too long to complete a written assignment in class. Each letter may be perfect, but the child has become more absorbed in the formation of the letters than the content of the sentence.

When an autistic child has a problem with handwriting, there are several options. Remedial exercises to improve motor coordination – basically, lots of practice – can improve the fine motor skills needed to write legibly, but such activities can be extremely boring and resisted. An occupational therapist can suggest modifications to improve handwriting skills, such as a slightly slanted writing surface and a pen that is easier to grasp. A scribe can be used in class to write for the child. However, we suggest to teachers and parents that handwriting is becoming an obsolete skill in the twenty first century: modern technology can come to the rescue in terms of typing, not handwriting.

The young autistic child should be encouraged to learn to type and use a keyboard, computer and printer in the classroom. While basic writing skills are still needed, as the current generation of children become adults, they will be able to talk to a word processing device which will record and print speech. Few people today write someone a handwritten letter; communication is predominantly by typed e-mail. High school and university exams can be completed by typing answers to questions, which is a more efficient means of expressing knowledge and more easily read by examiners. Thus, teachers and parents should not be overly concerned about poor handwriting skills; rather, ensure that the child learns to type. When this option is not available, some children may need to be allowed extra time to complete tasks and exams.

Excellence in movement abilities

While we know that autism can be associated with impaired movement abilities, we have known many autistic children who have achieved abilities in movement skills that have been exceptional and contributed towards winning national and international championships. The movement disturbance does not appear to affect some sporting activities such as surfing, using the trampoline, playing golf and horse riding. These are activities that can be practised in solitude. Because of relative success in these activities, the autistic child can develop a special interest in the activity and with extensive practice and single-minded determination, achieve a level of proficiency that reaches a very high standard.

There can be ability with endurance sports such as marathon running. Once the running movement has become efficient, the autistic adolescent or adult can be remarkably tolerant of discomfort and able to just keep running. Some sports such as fencing can be enjoyed as the participants wear a mask (no problems with eye contact with the opponent) and there are set movements and responses to learn. Martial arts can also be appealing, especially if there is a slow-motion approach to initially learning defensive and offensive actions. The history and culture of martial arts can also be an intellectual interest for the autistic child. The indoor game of snooker is not a sport associated with motor agility, but autistic adolescents can have a natural understanding of the geometry of the moving balls and the pockets on a snooker table.

In summary, autism is associated with a range of movement disorders that will affect the expression of academic abilities in the classroom and social play in the playground. However, some autistic children have the potential to participate and enjoy a variety of solitary sports.


 Gandotra et al (2020) Research in ASD 78, 101632

 LaSalle, B. (2003) Finding Ben: A mother’s journey through the maze of Asperger’s. New York: Contemporary Books.

Licari et al (2020) Autism Research 13, 298-306

Miedzianik, D. (1986) My Autobiography. Child Development Research Unit, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Mostert-Kerckhoffs et al (2020) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50, 415-428

Nobile et al (2011) Autism 15, 263-283

Staples and Reid (2010) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 40, 209-217