Internet gaming and Autism

Internet gaming and Autism

The parents of autistic teenagers and young adults are increasingly worried about how much time their son or daughter spends on Internet gaming. However, the autistic person may be worried that the amount of time they spend on Internet gaming could be reduced by their parents. Clinicians and parents may be concerned that a young autistic person’s interest in Internet gaming could evolve into addiction.

Gaming disorder or video game addiction is recognised worldwide. It has increased with the advent of broadband technology, games allowing for the creation of avatars, ‘second life’ games and MMORPGs (massive multiplayer online role-playing games). World of Warcraft has the largest MMORPG community online, and there have been studies confirming the addictive qualities of the game. Indeed, modern computer games have adopted aspects of the gambling industry, for example, purchasing Loot Boxes within the game.  The content of a Loot Box is unknown and purchased directly or available during play, with the gamer subsequently buying “keys” to redeem them.  Game developers see loot boxes as a way of generating ongoing revenue and keeping player interest in gaming through loot-box reward systems. This can contribute to the addictive nature of Internet gaming.

The diagnosis of Internet Gaming Disorder

The recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, Text Revised, provides diagnostic criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder (APA 2022, pages 913-916). There are nine criteria, and confirmation by a clinician of five or more are likely to confirm the diagnosis. The nine criteria are:

  1. Preoccupation with Internet games, such that gaming has become the dominant activity in daily life.
  2. Withdrawal symptoms when Internet gaming is taken away.
  3. Tolerance – the need to spend increasing amounts of time engaged in Internet games.
  4. Unsuccessful attempts to control participation in Internet games.
  5. Loss of interest in previous hobbies and entertainment.
  6. Continued excessive use of Internet games despite knowledge of psychosocial problems.
  7. Has deceived family members, therapists, or others regarding the amount of Internet gaming.
  8. Use of Internet gaming to escape or relieve a negative mood.
  9. Has jeopardised or lost a significant relationship, job or educational or career opportunities because of participation in Internet gaming.

The DSM-5 work group reviewed more than 240 research articles and found some behavioural similarities between Internet gaming and gambling disorder and substance use disorders. The DSM-5 describes individuals with Internet gaming disorder as sitting at a computer and engaging in gaming activities while neglecting other activities and typically devoting 8-10 hours or more each day and at least 30 hours per week. The mean prevalence of gaming disorder among typical adolescent boys was estimated as 6.8% and adolescent girls 1.3%. A recent study of the prevalence of gaming addiction in autistic teenagers and young adults indicated that 9.1% reported symptoms over the cut-off for gaming disorder (Murray et al., 2022).

Research on gaming addiction and autism

A recent systematic review of the research literature on autism and video game use confirmed that autistic children, adolescents and adults are at greater risk of problematic video gaming than typical peers (Craig et al. 2021). The studies indicated that, on average, autistic individuals spend over 2 hours playing Internet games each day with a weekly average of 12-17 hours. This is below the level of gaming to confirm a formal diagnosis of Internet Gaming Disorder but greater than typical peers and paediatric guidelines. Autistic children also play more Internet games than their non-autistic siblings and spend more time playing Internet games than other extracurricular activities.

A study of over 100 autistic adolescents by Hirota, McElroy, and So (2021) identified that a characteristic of their Internet gaming was defensive and secretive behaviours and concealment of Internet use from their parents. The subsequent issues included the effects on school grades, decreased ‘healthy’ social engagements and neglecting household chores to spend more time online.

Research on autistic adolescents’ sense of self-identity included an analysis of the answers to the question. What do you enjoy most? The most enjoyable experience was access to technology and gaming (Clarke and Adams 2020).

Why do autistic individuals spend so much time on Internet gaming?

The reasons typical adolescents and young adults engage in Internet gaming are:

1: Achieve a temporary escape to help deal with stress and get away from a current situation

2: Create a sense of community and connection to meet like-minded people

3: Experience instant gratification and feedback to confirm progress in the game

4: A challenge to overcome and to have a sense of purpose, a goal to work towards

All these reasons apply to an autistic person, but there are additional reasons. These include being popular with fellow gamers who seek and admire their gaming abilities, knowledge, and guidance. Popularity with peers can seem elusive for autistic adolescents.

There is little, if any, social chit-chat and no requirements to process non-verbal communication or follow social conventions. There is also the possibility of becoming an avatar, creating an alternative non-autistic persona and reality.

Our clinical experience is that engaging in Internet gaming provides a high level of excitement and enjoyment for someone who may be depressed and have little to enjoy and look forward to. Internet gaming also acts as a thought blocker and a means of escape from anxious or depressed thinking, and a means of alleviating loneliness and a lack of social connection.  There is also an association between Internet gaming and ADHD, and the majority of autistic adolescents also have signs of ADHD. Thus there are many reasons why autistic individuals are of concern to their families and clinicians for the amount of time they engage in Internet gaming.

Consequences of Internet gaming

The consequences include mental and physical health, lost opportunities, and reduced achievements. Research with participants in the general population has indicated that excessive Internet gaming can increase depressive and anxiety symptoms and increase the risk of substance abuse. Physical symptoms include a weakened immune system due to lack of sleep and daylight, exercise loss and effects on physical fitness, obesity, increased risk for carpal tunnel syndrome, and eye and back strain. There can also be a reduction in academic performance, real-life social relationships and increased family disharmony and conflict.

Reducing the time engaged in Internet gaming

To reduce the amount of Internet gaming time, it is essential to understand why an individual player engages in Internet gaming. Each of the reasons described above needs to be explored and evaluated and to find other ways to meet those needs.

There are programmes designed for non-autistic gamers, such as the Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous (ITAA), founded in 2017. It is a 12-step programme supporting compulsive Internet users. Media Addicts Anonymous (MAA) is another 12-step programme for media addiction.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Internet Addicts (CBT-IA) has been designed and developed to help the gamer recognise the potential harms of Internet gaming, manage impulse control, identify triggers of Internet binge behaviour and use cognitive restructuring to challenge and modify cognitive distortions and rationalisations to justify excessive Internet use. The programme also helps develop self-identity, interpersonal communication skills and alternative emotion management strategies.

There are support communities for Internet gamers such as StopGaming-Reddit as well as, and in Australia, developed by Andrew Kinch.

From our clinical experience, we would suggest adding components to conventional game-quitting programmes, such as expanding the person’s social network to include autistic friends and psychological treatment of anxiety and depression that accommodates the characteristics and experiences of autistic teenagers and young adults.  

Parents must consider removing gaming devices from the person’s bedroom, not gaming first thing in the morning and having a game-free day each week for all family members. We recommend a gradual reduction in the total amount of gaming each day, first establishing the accurate real-time spent engaged in gaming and reducing that time by perhaps 15 minutes each day for a week or more, then another 15-minute reduction to reach a goal of a total of two hours a day.

There will need to be careful consideration of activities to replace gaming, such as reading, watching movies and artistic activities, time with friends and new social activities such as Dungeons and Dragons, an autism support group, being with pets, adventure sports and geocaching, martial arts and online and college courses which may include game design.



APA (2022) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5 Text Revision. American Psychiatric Association

Clarke and Adams( 2020) Research in ASD 72

Craig et al. (2021) Research in ASD 82, 101726

Hirota, McElroy, and So (2021) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51, 2764-2772.

Murray et al. (2022) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 52, 2762-2769


Autism and camouflaging

Autism and camouflaging

Why camouflage autism?

Gradually a young autistic child will come to realise that they are different to their peers. They notice that their peers are able to easily and accurately ‘read’ social situations and people’s thoughts, feelings and intentions, an ability that an autistic child finds elusive. There are also differences in interests, learning style and sensory perception. An autistic child can have a personality characteristic of being an extrovert, that is wanting to connect and engage with their peers. Unfortunately, their social approaches to play and talk may be rejected, and they experience teasing, humiliation, and bullying from their peers for being different.

A characteristic of autism is to seek patterns and systems, and this can be applied to social situations. An autistic child can be very sensitive and reactive to making a social ‘error’ and quietly observe the play and social interactions of their peers from a discrete distance. Their intention is to imitate their peers. They become a ‘child psychologist’ exploring and analysing the dynamics, personalities, and social conventions of their peers. Once they have a ‘script’ they may be brave and launch themselves into social play in the hope that they will be accepted and liked. This process has been described as camouflaging autism or creating a ‘mask’ or alternative persona.

There have been at least 25 research studies exploring autism and camouflaging from early childhood to the mature years, with a recent review by Julia Cook, a friend and colleague of Michelle and Tony (Cook et at 2021). This article autism and camouflaging is based on our extensive clinical experience of the art of camouflaging by our autistic clients and friends and the research literature.

Camouflaging is an autism adaptive mechanism that can be acquired by autistic males and females to achieve social acceptance and connection as well as to be valued by others and to avoid being bullied or abused. We recognise gender differences in camouflaging in that those who identify as being a female, camouflage more than those identifying as male, across more situations, and more frequently and for a longer duration. They are more likely to perfect the art of camouflaging autism. However, autistic males may also use camouflaging in everyday life and also when dating to achieve a long-term relationship. Their neurotypical partner may only become aware of their autistic characteristics after the relationship has been formalised.

Camouflaging can commence in early childhood but not be conspicuous to parents and teachers. The young autistic child can be very aware of their social errors or ‘clumsiness’ and sometimes the ‘mask’ will slip. Their autism will be revealed. However, extensive practice, especially in the teenage years, leads to an increasing proficiency in ‘acting’ neurotypical in social situations, such that the authentic self is rarely seen by peers, but may still be recognised by parents at home.

Psychologists and parents recognise the consumption of considerable mental energy, to intellectually rather than intuitively, process social cues and responses. This requires good

executive functioning skills. We know that autistic females often have greater executive functioning skills compared to autistic males which may contribute to camouflaging success.

There is also the requirement to cognitively supress aspects of autism such as reacting to aversive sensory experiences and the inclination to reduce stress by mannerisms such as rocking. These autistic characteristics can be supressed and compressed but subsequently released in solitude or at home. While camouflaging may be a temporary ‘cure’ for autism, it can lead to a greater expression of autism at home.

Camouflaging behaviours

Julia Cook has identified several categories of camouflaging behaviours. These can eventually become automatic, with the autistic person not consciously aware of what they are doing. However, these behaviours still require the consumption of considerable mental energy.


These behaviours are designed to limit or avoid self-disclosure in a conversation.

There are also conscious modifications to gestures to ensure synchrony and equivalence to the conversation partner.

Consideration is also given to physical appearance to ‘wear the same uniform’.

Innocuous socializing

Maintaining eye contact or at least the appearance of eye contact, such as looking at the other person’s forehead or the bridge of their glasses.

Mirroring the other person’s accent, phrases, and facial expressions.

Smiling frequently when speaking or listening.

Using verbal and gestural encouragers such as nodding and saying “Oh really” at key points in the interaction.

Giving compliments to the other person.

Guiding or maintaining the topic of conversation or activity to an interest of the other person.

Apologises or provides explanations for perceived social errors.

Learns the ‘small talk’ and topics of interest of their peers.

Avoids appearing overly knowledgeable or making jokes.

Active self-preservation

Find points of commonality.

Asking questions.

Reciprocity when listening and talking during the interaction.

Consequences of camouflaging autism

As clinicians we are increasingly recognising that camouflaging autism is associated with increased levels of fatigue and stress, anxiety (general and social) and depression and suicidal ideation. Thus, camouflaging can contribute to secondary physical and mental health diagnoses.

Camouflaging is potentially emotionally and cognitively exhausting and often requires prolonged periods of solitude to recover. There can also be a tendency, even after successful social engagement, to conduct a social ‘autopsy’ and to ruminate for some time on social performance and the interpretation of ambiguous or subtle social cues.

Being successful at camouflaging autism can lead to greater social expectations from friends and employers. This can lead to wanting to ‘stop this train’ and that nobody recognises the degree of stress and self-doubt.

Psychologically, camouflaging creates a feeling of being disconnected from the authentic self. There can be thoughts that the real self must never be revealed as that would destroy all the work undertaken to achieve social connections and acceptance. Being unable to express the authentic self can also contribute to feelings of low self-worth and depression.

Camouflaging can also delay consideration of a diagnostic assessment for autism, often until a secondary psychological condition is identified such as an eating disorder, gender dysphoria and self-harm.

Resolution of camouflaging autism

Our clinical experience, recently confirmed by research studies, is that confirmation of a diagnosis of autism and maturity can resolve many of the issues associated with camouflaging. The diagnostic process and discovering the characteristics of autism is often central in the development of self-awareness and self-acceptance. The autistic person no longer feels ashamed and reluctant to reveal the real self. Authentic socializing becomes an alternative to camouflaging.

We have created an eight-session programme for autistic teenagers called ‘Being Me’ which focuses on discovering the real self and communicating who you are to adolescent peers. The programme includes group activities for the participants to explore and express themselves,

improve self-esteem and self-acceptance and enhance social skills as well as coping with potential social rejection.

We have also noted that mature autistic adults have decreased desire to camouflage their autism as it is too exhausting, not seeing the point anymore and not being ashamed of who they are. Better late than never.

As clinicians we recognise there needs to be guidance on how to authentically socialize and recognition of safe situations to learn how to express the authentic self. There is also the issue of whether and how to disclose having autism to friends and colleagues. Many of our autistic adult clients have been surprised how accepting friends have been and how employers have made appropriate adjustments. The autistic person is also probably aware that being the authentic and not so mentally exhausted will help reduce feeling depressed and exhausted. There is no need to camouflage when people understand and accept autism and fortunately society is becoming more aware of autism and associated qualities and difficulties, and we have noticed a greater acceptance of autism at school and work.

In summary

Camouflaging autism is a tempting means of achieving social acceptance. However, in the long-term, camouflaging will affect mental health and inhibit the expression of the authentic self. Be true to who you really are.

Further information and resources

We have created a presentation on autistic girls and women that will include a major section on autistic camouflaging. The presentation will be webcast on the 25th of March with more information at

This webcast will be of interest to:

Autistic teenagers and adults

Their parents and family members


Social workers



Allied Health


For those seeking to read the relevant research literature we recommend:

Bernardin et al (2021) autism 25 1580- 1591

Bernardin et al (2021) JADD 51 4422-4435

Bradley et al (2021) Autism in Adulthood 3 in press.

Cage and Troxell-Whitman (2020) Autism in Adulthood 2 334-338

Cook et al (2021) autism 25 in press

Cook et al (2021) Clinical Psychology Review 89 in press.

Halsall et al (2021) autism 25 2074-2086

Hull et al (2021) Molecular autism 12:13

Miller, Rees and Pearson (2021) Autism in Adulthood 3 in press.

Scheerer et al (2020) Autism in Adulthood 2 298-306

Tubio-Fungueirino et al (2021) JADD 51 2190-2199

For autistic adolescents and adults and their families, we recommend the books on autism and camouflaging published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers with more information at